Kortit Akiligassat
Kortit Qanorpiaq
Apple Akiliineq
Google Akiliineq
Akiligassat Kryip
Bankip Nuutsinnera
Get the Hablax app from your preferred app store.
Top up your account to start making calls.
Choose a payment method and confirm your transaction.
Dial the number you want to reach in Greenland and enjoy your conversation.
Making international long-distance calls to Greenland has never been easier. Follow these steps to stay connected affordably.
Get the Hablax app today and start making cheap international calls to Greenland. Our app is available on multiple platforms and has rave reviews from users.
Hablax offers unbeatable rates for international long-distance calls and excellent service quality. Our platform is user-friendly, making it easy for anyone to stay connected with friends and family in Greenland. With Hablax, you get reliable customer support and an efficient calling experience.
FAQ about Hablax in Greenland, service, and operators if applicable.
Customer support every day from 10 am to 11 pm (Eastern Time, USA) via calls.