New Recharge Special
From the 13th to the 17th of November of 2017 a new special of cellular recharge arrives to Cuba. Please read carefully the details of this special in the next paragraphs. To check the balance, the person in Cuba must dial * 222 # from their cell phone. This special is only for Cubacel recharges, does not apply for Nauta.
Can I send my recharge today?
Yes, you can send your recharge today and we will give you course on Monday the 13th, so you will not have to worry if you forget or are not available during the days of the recharge.
How much do you send and how much do they receive?
– Send 15 CUC and you will receive 20 CUC of bonus for a total of 35 CUC.
bonus expires on December 3.
– Send between 20 CUC – 50 CUC and receive a bonus of 50 SMS, 50 Mins and 10 CUC. The bonus minutes and SMS can be used nationally and internationally.
bonus expires on December 10.
Do you have questions?
Connect with us in our online chat, send us an E-Mail or Call at your convenience using the phone number corresponding to your country, one of our representatives will be delighted to go over your questions and concerns.
Send your recharge today: www.Hablax.com
Customer Support Available
Everyday 10:00am – 11:00pm
Miami, Florida. United States.